1901 Central Drive, Suite 800 Bedford, TX 76021


Ending COBRA coverage

Your COBRA coverage may be terminated if: You become eligible for Medicare You reach the maximum coverage limit You do not pay your COBRA premiums on time You become eligible for another job-based insurance plan (employer group health plan) that does not have a pre-existing condition waiting period (if the

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Extending COBRA coverage if you become disabled

If you develop a disability within the first 60 days of getting COBRA coverage, you and your family may be able to extend your COBRA by 11 months, to a maximum of 29 months. In this case, you must tell your COBRA insurer that you developed a disability no later

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COBRA eligibility

You are eligible for COBRA if both of the following conditions apply: You are enrolled in job-based insurance (employer group health plan) where COBRA applies And, you have a “qualifying event” (such as termination of employment) that causes you to lose job-based insurance. The type of qualifying event also determines

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COBRA basics

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) is a federal law passed in 1986 that lets certain employees, their spouses, and their dependents keep group health plan (GHP) coverage for 18 to 36 months after they leave their job or lose coverage for certain other reasons, as long as they

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COBRA and Medicare

COBRA and Medicare COBRA basics COBRA eligibility COBRA and Medicare coordination Extending COBRA coverage if you become disabled Ending COBRA coverage

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